About Music Worcester
Celebrating More Than 160 Years of Music and Culture
Music Worcester, Inc., originally known as the Worcester County Music Association, for years ran the Worcester Music Festival. Current programs reflect the merger in the mid-1990s of the Festival with International Artists Series and the MA Jazz Festival. Great performances by world-renowned orchestras and guest soloists, chamber music, ballet, world music and dance, jazz and choral masterworks are hallmarks of Music Worcester’s annual operations.
Multiple educational programs currently serve youth and families of greater Worcester: masterclasses by visiting artists, Tickets to Opportunity, Festival Singers, in-schools residencies, and the Young Artist Competitions. Integral to Music Worcester’s annual operations, The Worcester Chorus has been part of the organization since the very first concert season in 1858.
Click each topic below to learn more about Music Worcester’s Mission, Vision, and Values:
Music Worcester presents inspiring musical experiences and educational opportunities throughout Central Massachusetts.
Music Worcester will enrich the cultural landscape, welcome audiences from all communities, and nurture a deep connection between artist and audience.
Music Worcester serves as a cultural pillar of the arts community, bringing the highest quality performers to stages across Central MA.
Music Worcester is committed to providing outstanding audience experiences before, during, and after performances.
Music Worcester creates engaging learning experiences in the performing arts for all ages.
Music Worcester believes in mutual respect and support, forging a team of staff, volunteers, and artists serving the organization’s mission and vision.
Music Worcester welcomes and engages with diverse audiences reflective of our community through educational opportunities and performances across Central MA.
Music Worcester values collaboration with educational and community partners, always practicing two-way communication.
Music Worcester honors the importance of classical music while maintaining an expansive view of music in its diverse genres and eras.
Music Worcester values the critical importance of improving inclusive and equitable practices as a cultural arts organization, including membership of the Board of Directors, staff, and The Worcester Chorus.
2023-2024 Board of Directors
Anthony Smith
Vice President
Eric Brose
Gabriel Cain
Clerk & President, The Worcester ChorusAngela Knapton
Board Members
Bruce Bursten
Kirk A. Carter, Esq.
Mary Fletcher
Alvin Gomez
Aldo Garcia Guevara
Emily G. Holdstein
Bonnie Johnson
Christine Keller
Alice Lambert
Jeffrey Levine
Meredith Lord
Cynthia Pitcher
Margaret Pottle
Kenneth Prince
Kathleen Rooney
Bob Sorrenti
Wakana Suzuki
Virginia M. Vaughan, Ph.D.
Patricia Verderese
Karen-Louise Walker, Th.D.
Margaret Wong
Ex Officio
Adrien C. Finlay, Executive Director, Endowed by The McDonough Charitable Foundation
Trustee Emeritus
Joel Popkin, M.D.
Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, Ph.D.,
Janet Amorello
Richard Ardizzone
Wendy W. Ardizzone
Kay Bassett
Samyabrata Bhaduri
Osman Bilsel
Elizabeth Blodgett
Karmen Bogdesic
Abigail Borchelt
Karin Branscombe
Eleanor Brockway
Linda Chadwick
Melvin S. Cutler
Jennifer D’Amico O’Connor, O.D.
Geoffrey Dancey
Dix F. Davis
Minjin Fromm
Janice Fuller
Mark Georgeson
Ivan R. Green, M.D.
Joel P. Greene
Phyllis Harrington
John B. Hench
Susan Henry
Janice C. Hitzhusen, M.D.
Tay Ann Jay
Kallin Johnson
Barbara C. Kohin
Shirish Korde
Helen P. Koskinas
Catherine H. Levine
Otti Levine
Ingrid Mach
Michael D. Machnowski
Aparna Mahadev
Samantha McDonald
W. Peter Metz, M.D.
Erwin H. Miller
Zenya Molnar
Susan Moran, M.D.
Mahroo T. Morgan
Charisse Murphy
Cecilio Orta
Robert Ozmun
Matthew W. Panagiotu, D.D.S.
Martha Pappas, Ed.D.
Stephen M. Pitcher
Gail T. Randall
Ann-Cathrine Rapp
Zelda Schwartz
Mark Seeley, Esq.
Janice Seymour
Gloria Shahin
Michael Sleeper
Mark Spuria
Joyce Tamer
George W. Tetler, III
Kristin Waters
Charles “Chick” Weiss
Todd H. Wetzel
Former Executive Director of Worcester County Music Association Read TributeTimeline
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