Silver Screen Gala: A Benefit for The Worcester Chorus
Silver Screen Gala: A Benefit for The Worcester Chorus
The Grammy and Emmy-winning ensemble defies conventions in merging classical, Americana, and singer-songwriter styles.
The Grammy and Emmy-winning ensemble defies conventions in merging classical, Americana, and singer-songwriter styles.
For Opening Night 2024-2025, Music Worcester presents The Philip Glass Ensemble, the exclusive performer of Philip Glass's repertoire with dedication to bringing it to audiences worldwide.
The first season of THE COMPLETE BACH begins with a program of Cantatas BWV 71, 119, 120 in this very special performance by Hartford, CT's CONCORA at historic Mechanics Hall.
Organist Peter Edwin Krasinski joins the 2024 BACHtoberfest lineup for a very special afternoon presentation of live performance during a film screening at historic Mechanics Hall on its world-famous Worcester Organ.
Celebrated cellist Zlatomir Fung will perform the complete collection of Bach's Solo Cello Suites on stage at historic Mechanics Hall.
This performance of Bach's Cantata BWV 61 will take place during the 10:30 worship service at First Unitarian Church, featuring the First Unitarian Church Choir led by Dr. Allegra Martin, Director of Music.
This collaborative choral performance featuring The Worcester Children's Chorus will offer our audience the opportunity to perform cantatas BWV 50, 62, 122 from the stage at historic Mechanics Hall.
© 2018 Music Worcester